“A heartfelt adventure of a movie.”
Peter Travers, June 6, 2013
“Fresh, painful and poignant.” • Nancy Churnin, Dallas Morning News
“Gentle, honest and shrewdly realized film…worth seeking out.” • Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune
“Tender, well-acted teen drama.” • Sandie Anglo Chen, Common Sense Media
“Brings emotional clarity to the story through entirely believable performances and a delicately orchestrated mood.” • Eric Kohn, Indiewire
“A tale told with sensitivity and heart...not just a breath of fresh air, but also an all-too-uncommon opportunity for moviegoers.” • Nick Schager, Village Voice
“One of the most Spiritually Literate films of 2013.” • Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spirituality & Practice
“Catnip for the bookish emo demo.” • Justin Lowe, Hollywood Reporter
“Lean, economically told indie.” • Sheri Linden, L.A. Times
“Affecting coming of age drama.” • Cole Smithey, ColeSmith.com
“Treat especially for its principal audience of teen women.” • Harvey Karten, Compuserve
“Sensitive handling of heavy material will surely prove affecting.” • Andrew Barker, Variety
“Holland’s performance as Davey is just about perfect.” • MSN Entertainment
“The rarest of family films, smart and nuanced, with an attention to detail in images that mirrors what is Ms. Blume’s strength with words.” • Lauren Wissot, Filmmaker magazine
“Magnificent cinematography, apt casting, and a story line of loss and self-discovery that will resonate with a wide audience.” • Elizabeth A. Stone, The Bay Citizen
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